Happy New Year!

Welcome, 2024! I figured it would be a good time to create a new place for my ramblings with the start of a new year (even if I am a couple days late to start a New Year’s resolution, isn’t that always how it goes?). I’m not going to tempt fate with too many predictions, but I have a feeling there will be a LOT coming up in the new year.

There’s a lot for me to look forward to this year, even if a lot of it scares me, too. I’m in my final year of university, so I’ve got graduation ceremonies and celebrations to look forward to, the opportunities for new jobs and relocations, and a few new family members to welcome! I’m in the middle of my senior capstone project, which will take up the vast majority of my time, and I’ll continue working with the philanthropic student organization, DemonTHON, and the on-campus print lab.

I hope I can make the most of my last two quarters. I think I’m most excited for my art history class, and maybe I can go to the Art Institute with a little more expertise under my belt. That might be the only resolution I really stick to - going to the art museums here more often. Last year, I went and I fell in love with Lygia Pape’s prints. I wonder who I’ll find this year!


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